Building Relationships with Direct Marketing Services

The most knowledgeable and experienced lettershops, direct mail advertising agencies, direct mail marketing firms and direct mail printers operate on the premise that a relationship with a new customer actually begins, rather than ends, from the very moment they become one. That’s why the direct marketing services you choose beyond that point will determine if they remain your customer, or move on to relationships with one or more of your competitors.

In return for their loyalty, your new and existing customers want to be reassured that they have made the right decision, and are made to feel like a ‘preferred’ client rather than just a file name and number. What’s more, your new and existing customers want to feel that way all the time, and be reminded of it on an ongoing basis!

One of the best ways to ‘keep the love alive’ with your new and existing customers is through the use of targeted client feedback programs, one of the most effective and telling direct mail marketing services of all. In fact, client feedback programs offer a unique opportunity to gauge how your customers feel about you and your company, products and services, customer care, etc.

Although they are generally helpful by nature, new and existing consumers also enjoy feeling needed at the same time. As a result, your client feedback programs should contain a section in which they can offer suggestions. This is an excellent method of expressing how much you value your customers and their opinions. In turn, they might even offer suggestions that can make your products, services, customer service and revenues better than ever! By the way…attaching a coupon or link for free or discounted products and/or services to your client feedback programs is a great way of thanking your customers for their participation, and maximize their feedback!

Once you’ve realized the amount of goodwill and value of information well-crafted client feedback programs can bring, you’ll understand why they play such an important a role in generating the highest level of brand loyalty among new and existing customers!

If you’ve utilized direct marketing services as part of your direct marketing program or direct marketing campaign, we invite you to share your comments and results.
