Auto Finance Communications and Payments Made Simple, Fast & Compliant

To keep payments arriving on time and build repeat business, auto lenders need a strategic, tech-driven approach to billing and payments that personalizes consumer experience from mail to mobile.

Improve performance by reinventing your bill processing and auto finance communications

What auto lenders need is secure cloud software that lets them cater to consumer expectations and preferences for auto finance communications. Done. Our Expresso platform gives companies the power and flexibility to deliver greater choice, convenience and personalization, including print and mail, email and text options, all with customized messaging. That’s not all. Our technology digitally transforms and automates billing operations to make them more efficient.

features and benefits

Benefits of Using Expresso for
Auto Finance Services

Accelerate Revenue

Streamline producing and distributing welcome packages, billing statements and other documents while promoting digital adoption to encourage prompt payments and improve cash flow.

Speed Content Changes

Make content changes in minutes that automatically update all impacted communications, both print and digital. Plus, get new clients and communication programs up and running in just days.

Optimize Document Workflow

Manage the whole process with ease, from drafting a document to reviewing, securing sign-offs, making changes, tracking distribution, generating reports and creating audit trails.

Simplify Compliance

Update disclosures and make other compliance changes in only a few clicks–for all affected auto finance communications. Create and archive audit trails for content changes made to every document.

Go Digital

Meet rising demand for email and text communications. Expresso simplifies managing digital and print/mail channels and enables shared content and workflow across communication types.

Improve Customer Experience

Honor each customer’s preferences for convenience and ease of use, from traditional print and mail to email and text, which strengthens customer engagement and lowers barriers to payments.


Customer Engagement Cycle

With Expresso, businesses can significantly improve the manner in which they manage their prospect and financial communications for customers. The platform enables non-technical personnel to quickly and efficiently develop personalized document content utilizing a secure, cloud-based portal, manage critical business rules, and review final proofs.


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ACA International logo


Driving Results with Expresso


Percentage of consumers who believe they should have the right to choose how they receive bills and statements.

*Two Sides North America 2023 Trend Tracker Survey

Percentage of consumers who used some form of digital payment in 2023.

*McKinsey’s 2023 Digital Payments Consumer Survey

Approximate number of communications that Expresso delivers every day.


Increase in communications efficiencies using Expresso.


What Our Clients Have To Say

We never had this control and agility before Nordis.

Daniel Baggett
Senior Vice President of Compliance and Loan Servicing – SAFCO

We are seeing huge demand for digital options, and Nordis offers robust omnichannel communications options. We are servicing accounts more efficiently with lower headcount.

George B. Fussell
Founder, CEO and President – SAFCO

With its industry-leading technology, print capabilities and customer service focus, Nordis Technologies has worked closely with PennyMac to meet our special printing requirements. Nordis is enabling us to streamline the process for producing and delivering important customer communications.

Kevin Meyers
Chief of Servicing – Performing Loans – PennyMac

With branches located in 11 states, we needed a centralized way to ensure our content was compliant based on the myriad of applicable state and federal regulations. We now have direct access to edit letter and email copy, and instantly know when our file is processed. Conversely, if an email isn’t opened within three days, the customer gets a letter. A centralized system is a huge win for us.

Trudy Boyles
Chief Marketing Officer. – Heights Finance

Ready to Transform Your Customer Communications?

Experience a whole new way to manage customer communications with Expresso.