CEO Viewpoint: Employee Experience Drives Business Success

EX drives business success

While businesses are understandably preoccupied with satisfying or exceeding customer expectations, meeting quarterly financial goals, digitally transforming their operations and other pressing priorities, it’s easy to overlook employees. But I know from personal experience, that employees need to be at the center of everything. Recruit the right people, treat them well and they will help your business go far while making the journey rewarding and even fun along the way.

In recent years, we’ve been focused on giving our employees the tools, training and mentoring, plus opportunities to advance. My goal is to give each and every employee the ability to succeed.

We’ve all read quite a bit about “The Great Resignation, with millions of employees leaving their jobs following the COVID-19 outbreak. I’m proud to say we lost very few employees during this time, and in fact, have added nearly 40 new team members. Many of our employees have been at Nordis for 20+ years. I am confident that our employees stay because working at Nordis is more than just a paycheck.

Building our culture

It’s important to me that our employees know they are part of something bigger than themselves when they work at Nordis. We make sure they understand how their work fits into our strategy and operations, how their role helps us grow and reach our goals.

At Nordis, it’s everyone’s job to deliver great customer service and experiences. From the beginning, our employees have focused their energy on solving problems for clients and building partnerships in the process. That’s the heartbeat of how we work, and as a result, it’s helped us grow tremendously even as many client relationships have turned into friendships that go beyond business.

It’s not all work, all the time. We also foster work-life balance with other recreational and health and wellness opportunities. I lead by example—literally—by leading a weekly 30-minute meditation practice with interested employees.

We take time to celebrate our wins, too, including exceptional employee effort. Each quarter, we award four employees who practice Passion, Execution, Agility and Knowledge, PEAK for short. We’ve always believed in these values, and we build our culture by communicating and reinforcing these values across the company.

Meet our employees

We are proud of our employees, and starting with this issue, we will be profiling two long-standing team members. They are people that you may work with regularly, and this will help you get to know them better as individuals at work and outside of work.

In this edition, our featured employees are Rich O’Rourke, SVP of sales and client relations, and Jane Ricketts, senior director of quality, service and support. Rich joined my team when he was 22 years old! Jane has been with us 18 years.

My passion is to use our technology solutions, industry knowledge and innovation focus to help our clients grow their businesses. That’s what we do. But we can’t get there without our people, who pull it all together to travel this road together.

See what Nordis can do for you.
