DSF’24 Conference Insights

Nicole Miller attends DSF24

When Document Strategy Forum was touting this year’s conference as “revolutionary,” I really thought it was just hype for Boston and its history.  Little did I realize the revolution would be from the amazing speakers and content provided over the course of the event! 

As COO of Nordis Technologies, I arrived in Boston relentlessly focused on our high-growth goals, product centric roadmap and wondering what DSF could possibly show me that I don’t already have planned… well, I found out… 

From the first session to the last, here are some of the key highlights of what I found to be among the most innovative conference formats, a great app and so many sessions with outstanding content and speakers, it was difficult to choose. I certainly should have brought more of our team to spread out and benefit from all the tracks. 

  • AI and Machine Learning, I enjoyed the various speaker perspectives on Gen-AI, ML and NLP and how businesses will most certainly have to adapt and innovate very quickly in use cases around document design and data management.  
  • Complexities of Compliance, I always focus intently when I hear about various state-based laws and perspectives and how they are passing legislation that is deemed beneficial to consumers, but ultimately impacts business and consumers negatively. Multi-Language support in CO, CAPR, NARA, FTC Data Breach responses are just a few I’m putting our compliance team on immediately. 
  • The Cost of Technical Debt, always an eye-opening conversation.  We all have legacy implementations, systems and services that demand a lot of our technical teams.  What I heard here was that while tech debt is certainly a burden on the company, it’s also an innovation killer at a rate of two hours of innovation lost for every one hour of legacy development and maintenance.  I loved this unique perspective on how to mitigate the “old” and put more time and resources on integration tools (APIs) in order to use those integrators to bypass the legacy burden and build to the new. 
  • CCM to CXM, sure we always talk about customer experience and certainly we build our CCM systems to provide the best customer and consumer experiences, but are we really focused on the right things?! Transparent flexibility and data record insights are key. Sure, a great application design is necessary, but we must move beyond design and deliver automated, integrated experiences that put customers in the driver’s seat with ease. 

Great to see Mary Ann Rowan from Solimar Systems, Maggie Curry @RISO, Andrew Young @Treeline Research, Cheryl Kananowicz @Content Critical, Tim Legg @Blue Crest, Stephen Glynn @Data Capture Group and the team at @OpenText.  I could go on and on about the old friends, new friends, vendors, industry reminders, new insights and the expansive innovations that I experienced at DSF’24 – thank you, what an incredible two days!  
